We all make mistakes. I make more in a day than most. But, gosh Brian Williams, what can I say? Surely, you’ve heard by now that Brian, as the host of the 11th Hour on MSNBC, and NY Times editorial board member Mara Gay, on television, yes let me say that again, ON TELEVISON, discussed how Mike Bloomberg could have or should have simply given every American $1,000,000. Yes, $1 Million Dollars (say it like Mike Meyers did in the Austin Powers films) for every American. Not even tax paying Americans, but EVERY AMERICAN! Rather than spend this money on the failed Bloomberg for President nomination. Brian and Mara discussed how we’d all have been better off if Bloomberg simply gave every American $1,000,000. Yes, $1,000,000 to every American! You can’t make this shit up. They literally thought and discussed that we’d all be better off if Mike simply handed every American $1,000,000. I never think going after someone’s intelligence is nice or ever a wise move. But, OH MY GOD! If this math worked, we wouldn’t be talking about Mike’s failed campaign. He’d be our next President (PERIOD). Bloomberg could have simply offered; “If I win the Democratic Presidential nomination and then the general election and become President, I will give every American $1,000,000”. Not only would Mike be our next President, he’d win in a landslide and become the most popular President in US history. These two nuts are on television! Mara works for one of the most powerful newspapers in our country. Between them, they didn’t have the brain power or common sense to just stop and think for a minute. I’m not sure what is worse, the fact that they are simply terrible at math, or the fact, that neither of these two had the common sense to question the tweet? I mean, if you were the host of a TV show and you were going to discuss this tweet on television wouldn’t you have at the very least taken your phone and asked, “Hey Siri…” before making it a news story? Not to mention, but where were the producers? There are dozens of other people that help put this show on the air too, where were they? These are the people that are bringing us news. Let’s collectively start thinking more for ourselves rather than listening to these nuts. Most will say anything, literally, anything while on air. Listen and decide what you will take from any news program. This backs my long forgone conclusion, that common sense is simply not so common!
The other thing I can’t help but wonder is how many people watched this show and thought to themselves…..”Damn Mike, you shoulda just given us the money”. How many said or thought, “geeze, $1M for me, $1M for Momma, $1M for little Joe and oh yeah Bobby Sue gets $1M too”. “That’s $4M we would have had it made. Damn we’d have it made!”. The real scary part is we know this happened!
Until next time,
I’ll be back……