Why is the news not asking how Sweden with 10M citizens does nothing to curb or combat Covid, everything stays open as normal very low Covid cases and deaths. Michigan on other hand, same number 10M citizens closes down everything violates every civil liberty afforded under constitution and has high rate of Covid cases and deaths???? This to me is all they should be discussing and looking at today. Nothing not a blip. Why? I know why …..they are afraid of the truth. Herding immunity works if people are mostly healthy. Sweden is healthier than Michigan. Who’s fault is it that the people of Michigan are out of shape? AOC and Pocahontas will tell you these people are out of shape because they’ve been taken advantage of no opportunity on and on its all BS.
Yes it’s my fault that a large percentage of people are simply too lazy to go for a walk once in a while and try eat healthy. It’s society’s fault. Since the dawn of time and civilizations started there have been classes of people there is nothing that can be done. This country provides plenty of opportunity. We can’t solve for those that don’t try or care. Yes there are a group of people that have pre-existing health conditions that are going to die. I truly feel for these people it’s very sad. But calling it like it is many of these people have out lived the cards or genetics they were born with due to the huge medical advances over past 25 years. That needs to be considered and discussed yes it’s very hard its a human life and I hate to say it but it needs to be reviewed and discussed as a “but”. However many have avoided even trying to stay in shape or eat healthy and those are mostly the people dying.
If I’ve learned anything there isn’t much if anything that ever goes wrong for somebody that isn’t at a minimum if not totally their fault. How many more people are both dying and living due to the shelter in place? Traffic accident deaths way down, construction accidents way down, almost to nothing for both, suicide up 300 percent, drug OD’s way up (druggies now have gov’t money and time (without work) to shoot up all day long! This is about the progressives trying to reset agenda. AOC now saying people shouldn’t work at all this year. This is going to become a huge class issue the haves and the have nots. Those that have can ride out in varying lengths of time those that don’t not only got to go back to work but most of their kids have to go back to school as the 2 income families will have nobody to watch kids during day. You watch schools are going to offer come to school if you want if you don’t stay home and watch the class. This is exactly what progressives want they can then make it class issue.

If Covid so contagious how come so few front line doctors and nurses aren’t getting it? It has nothing to do with proper care or sufficient PPE. Two reasons as a group, the doctors and nurses are mostly healthy but more importantly the truth is Covid not nearly as contagious or bad for healthy people as progressives and most of media want us to believe.
Also there is now proof that fresh air helps not contract but again nobody talking about it. They want to blame Trump and hurt him for possible re-election. Frankly, the guy IS a buffoon but he did more to combat and control this disease and protect the country than and progressive left would have. This country is fucked. This pandemic literally is what just might divide the country.
Oh one last thought make sense of this Gov Baker deems LIQUOR stores and restaurant takeout essential but gun shops, where we need to buy our guns and ammo for safety in uncertain times, are deemed non essential. A blatant violation of our civil liberties and yet nobody talks about it? How is going to church less essential than getting liquor? How? Somebody, anybody explain that one to me. Yesterday Governor Charlie Baker extended the stay at home order here in mass. Liquor stores still essential Church is not. I can buy into extending longer but give something to the citizens of Massachuestt. How about allowing golf courses to open? How does this hurt or worsen the current situation? Even dictators like Castro and Stalin knew that it was good to give their people rewards for being well behaved. This is what kept them in line. It’s the dictators that don’t give anything that get overthrown. Progressives willing to give up their civil liberties to get something anything for free. We are screwed!
In terms of the media coverage, did you see the news of the newborn baby that died of Covid ? Front page and headline news first newborn to die of Covid. Nobody mentioned the baby was born 20, yes 20, weeks premature. I’m sure that had nothing to do with the poor kid not surviving. Or, how about the 32 year old father of two young children from CT that passed away after a courageous battle with COVID. He had underlying health conditions. But, not only has it not been discussed, the real point is the media hasn’t even bothered to ask!!! After reporting like this the media covering these two stories should be banned from working in media in US for life! They’d be better off working in China or Russia where they are encouraged and expected to act as puppets for their respective government regimes. We now know, without question the numbers that are being reported are vastly and mostly wrong. Or, at a minimum for even the staunchest of believers you have to at least begin to question the numbers being reported.